Tag Archives: establish yourself as an expert

Establish Yourself As An Expert

establish yourself as an expertHow do you establish yourself as an expert? You could do that very quickly by “simply” publishing a book or a white paper.

Before you stop reading, let me modify the last part… The book doesn’t have to be a HUGE book, and it doesn’t have to be a bound hardcover published by one of the major publishing houses.

It can be a bookLET, and it can be distributed as a PDF. Still, you’ll find it helpful to have some hard copies available as well. Your local printer (or Amazon.com) can help you with that.

Establish yourself as an expert – Where to start?

So where do you start, and why is publishing a book(let) so helpful when it comes to establishing yourself as an expert?

Just think about what impresses YOU when you meet someone. How about if a potential business partner hands you a booklet in lieu of a business card? Then again, maybe it’s in addition to a business card.

You know what happens to business cards. They go into a big stack somewhere in your office, often never to be looked at again.

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