How To Get More Clients – The Power Of Blogging

blogging serviceCan you really get more clients with blogging? You sure can. And why is that?

There are severeal reasons for that. First, blogging will help you to get found by your prospective leads and clients. Second, it attracts more visitors to your website because you’re providing quality info.

And finally, blogging gives you a chance to show off your expertise, and therefore helps you build your “Know, Like, and Trust” factor.

Let’s look at them in turn…

Blogging Helps You Get Found Online

Before anything else can happen, you must get found online. And a blog can help with that…

You may wonder why that might be? Well, Google loves quality content as well as fresh content, and a well-written blog will supply both.

After all, you should blog regularly, at least once a week or so, especially initially. And that will keep your blog “fresh” and visitors interested in coming back to check for updates. And Google spiders will do the same thing.

In addition, if you blog regularly, you’ll also be adding lots of content to your website. Make that quality content! And the more quality content your website has, the more Google will like it.

There are actually two key reasons why lots of content helps…

First, because Google likes lots of quality content (and people do too). And second, because writing lots of articles gives you lots of opportunities to write powerful keyword-rich headlines that will help your blog posts get found. So each individual blog post brings more visitors to your site. Is that cool or what!

Blogging Attracts Visitors

As I just said, the different blog posts will attract people looking for that information, and they’ll turn up on your website. That will help you get found, and it will also help you look good in the eyes of Google.

Plus it will bring even more visitors because your readers will share the link to your blog posts.

Blogging Makes You Look Like The Expert You Are

You may wonder… But what if those people are from all over the world, and I mostly serve people in Richmond?

Ah, I thought you may wonder about that. Sure, it seems like so much overkill to attract a worldwide audience while you really only want to attract people in a 10-mile radius.

But here’s the thing. Even the closeby people want someone who REALLY knows what he or she is doing, and so they look for a specialist, someone respected, and someone who is generous with their expertise.

And a blog will do all of the above. And the fact that you’re published beyond the bounds of city limits is only enhancing your status.

Obviously, keeping well-written blog posts that are helpful while also showing off your expertise will really add to the value of your website, and it will also help your prospective clients to get to know, like, and trust you.

You’ll become the go-to person for the exact people you want to attract as clients. And isn’t that what you’d really like to accomplish?

How To Blog Regularly

Well, okay. So you’re busy. You may or may not have the time to blog every week. And you may not want to make the time.

You also may not enjoy writing, or even feel intimidated by the prospect of having to write. The good news is… you won’t have to.

That’s because you can let someone else take care of the actual blogging. In fact, here at Richmond Web Marketing, we’ve just started a blogging service for select professionals. This is currently only available on a very limited basis.

If you’re interested, please CLICK HERE to contact me and be sure to include “Blogging Service” in the subject line so I can easily find your email. Please include your phone number and good times to reach you, and we’ll get you set up!

Looking forward to blogging for you!